
Altar Flowers

COGS has two flower arrangements at each Sunday service placed in dedicated spaces to the right and left of our altar. These flowers are given to the glory of God first and foremost, and then in honor of, in memory of, or in thanksgiving for a person or occasion.

If you would like to dedicate flowers, please send the dedication name/occasion and date to our office via email or phone call, or use the form below.

Dedications cost $25 per vase, or $50 per Sunday for both vases. Payment can be submitted online or via cash/check. Checks made payable to Church of the Good Shepherd (with “Altar Flowers” listed on the memo line), should be mailed to the office or placed in a collection plate during services.

Payment must be received in the church office no later than the Monday before the date of the dedication.

Once we receive both the dedication information and a payment, your dedication will be added to the Prayers of the People read during both the 8 AM and 10 AM services.

    Thank you for your support of Church of the Good Shepherd’s Altar Flower Ministry.

    Please prove you are human by selecting the cup.

    Online Payment Option

    Contact the Church Office